About us
About us
We have in-depth knowledge of the situation in many countries such as France, Italy and Spain, as well as a network of correspondents throughout the world. This enables us to assist our international clients who wish to set up in Luxembourg or who need help with their Luxembourg projects, and to assist our Luxembourg-based clients when they venture abroad.
As a member of the IDI (International Distribution Institute) we defend the rights of major international corporations and Luxembourgish public sector organisations in the fields of international contracts, distribution and transport.
We hold the presidency of and provide the secretariat for one of the largest lawyers' associations in Europe and are therefore in permanent contact with lawyers around the world and with international authorities such as the UN and various European institutions.
Mr. Joe Lemmer is a former lecturer at the IFBL (Luxembourg Institute for Banking Training) and now defends credit institutions and their clients.
We edit one of the largest legal journals in Luxembourg, have published numerous legal articles, and speak regularly at national and international events (such as at the European Lawyers' Union Convention and at the International Association of Italian Lawyers).
Our Lawyers all follow a legal continious formation.